Service User Feedback Form

If you have become a client with Altair Healthcare, or have worked in some other way with us, we would like to hear what you thought about the experience.

We wish to gauge more about your experience with Altair Healthcare so that we can improve our service, and would be grateful if you could kindly complete this short survey.

We aim to provide a service that is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led while promoting a culture of openness and fairness.
Service User Details
CQC Definition of Safe:
"People are protected from abuse and avoidable harm”
CQC Definition of Effective:
“people’s care, treatment and support achieve good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is evidence-based where possible”
CQC Definition of Caring:
“staff involve people and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect”
CQC Definition of Responsive:
“services are organised so that they meet people’s needs"
CQC Definition of Well-Led:
“the leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high-quality person-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture”
How would you rate our overall performance in your experience?